Lord, you said that 'without vision, the people perish'. We want to be people of vision. As we prepare for our church weekend this autumn we ask you to show us your vision for St. Andrew's. You are the author of vision and give purpose to our lives. You promised to 'build your church'. The church is yours and the vision is from you, please help us to discern that vision. Then to learn its meaning and to live it out. Bless those who will be teaching and leading us in their preparation and planning. Help us to get involved where we can to seek your vision for us as your body at St. Andrew's. In Christ, whose church it is. Amen.
Words for St Andrew's from the November Night of Prayer
Standing in the sand on the shore
Watching for the sun to rise and
wondering at the magnitude of the ocean
To understand we need to be patient
and wait for the tide to wash over our feet and feel the warmth of the sun on our face
Only then can we fully understand that faith, hope and love are the gifts we are given by God alone to bring his people home.