The Leprosy Mission

At the beginning of October, the T.L.M. S/W representative, Miss Natalie Husk, came over to Jersey to spread the word. She came to a brief meeting at our Church on the Sunday morning just to give us an outline of what had been going on and to thank all our members who so kindly help to keep the funds going. She and a colleague had been to India, so she gave an interesting insight. On the Monday afternoon she came to the Monday Fellowship and showed us some slides and told us of her experiences. She is a wonderful speaker and she did not have any written notes. Some members of the congregation also came in. Its hard to think that after all these years the dame disease that affected people in the Bible, and whom Jesus cured, are still being persecuted by leprosy. Some of them are thrown out of their homes, women are divorced and have to leave their children, and all are considered outcasts. T.L.M. have set up hospitals in many of these countries where they are able to help. They give loans to people to better themselves and many DO get better thanks to the new drugs that are now available from the Hospitals. The Hospitals are only able to do this because of the help ordinary people like you and other congregations around the U.K. kindly give towards Leprosy Mission.
We have a special service on World Leprosy Day at the end of January when the cash collection goes towards it. At Easter members of the Monday Fellowship and 'Busy Bees' make "Easter Chicks" which we sell and this goes towards the fund. In August (but hopefully next year September) we have a coffee morning. There are also "L" shaped boxes at the back of the church which some members kindly fill up and pass onto me to empty, I in turn give it to our Treasurer, John Rosser, who re-checks it and keeps it safe for us. We managed to send £440.00 in February (£40.00 from "Chicks") and then £624.00, which I gave to Natalie in October, making a total for the year of £1,105.00. This I feel was remarkable to be able to do so, as the situation in the market place regarding money is so tight.
To all of you who have contributed in any way, may I say a very big THANK YOU on behalf of those sufferers in India.
God Bless you all. GWEN.
We have a special service on World Leprosy Day at the end of January when the cash collection goes towards it. At Easter members of the Monday Fellowship and 'Busy Bees' make "Easter Chicks" which we sell and this goes towards the fund. In August (but hopefully next year September) we have a coffee morning. There are also "L" shaped boxes at the back of the church which some members kindly fill up and pass onto me to empty, I in turn give it to our Treasurer, John Rosser, who re-checks it and keeps it safe for us. We managed to send £440.00 in February (£40.00 from "Chicks") and then £624.00, which I gave to Natalie in October, making a total for the year of £1,105.00. This I feel was remarkable to be able to do so, as the situation in the market place regarding money is so tight.
To all of you who have contributed in any way, may I say a very big THANK YOU on behalf of those sufferers in India.
God Bless you all. GWEN.